“Tiger Spirit” – that magical phrase that means everything worthy, courageous, and fine to a student of our University. It is spirit that not only makes dignified men and women rise to their feet and cheer loudly for the wearers of black and gold, but that spirit which follows students into larger fields of endeavor.” MU Savitar 1931, page f
Pictured above: University of Missouri Cheerleading Megaphone (2000) Gift of University of Missouri Athletics

University of Missouri Women’s Polyester Cheerleading Uniform (2000) Gift of MU Athletics

”Tiger Claws” Spirit Organization Cotton Jacket of MU Student Barbara Leffler (1948) Gift of B. Leffler

Mizzou Plaid Wool Kilt (2007) Gift of E. Brandon
Mizzou Plaid
Pictured is the buckled closure of a wool kilt featuring the Mizzou Plaid designed by TAM student Lauren Drufke-Mahe, BS HES ’06. Part of a design competition in TAM’s computer-aided design class, twelve students created plaids inspired by their study of Mizzou’s history. Nearly 6,500 people then voted in an online poll for their favorite plaid. The gold lines woven into the winning design, according to Drufke-Mahe, “represent strength and endurance of the past, present and future.”
Ed Brandon, Educ ‘92, heard of the new Mizzou Plaid in 2006 and seized the opportunity to incorporate Mizzou Plaid kilts into MU’s first social fraternity on campus, Phi Kappa Psi. Brandon worked with the owners of Thistle and Clover, a Celtic shop in St. Charles, MO, who contacted mills and weavers in Scotland to obtain and mill the wool fabric needed for 33 kilts ordered by fraternity members. Brandon donated one of these Mizzou Plaid kilts to the MHCTC in 2007. A woven sample of the tartan was received by the Scottish Register of Tartans in 2009 for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.
Pictured: Wool Kilt (Detail) With Mizzou Plaid (2007) Gift of E. Brandon, Educ ‘92

Mizzou Plaid Polyester Necktie (2017) Collection Purchase

Truman the Tiger Build-a-Bear Wearing University of Missouri Graduation Robes and Memorabilia Designed by MU Students Felicity Watring, Nathan Smith, Jacqueline Friedman, and Courtney Stoddard (2011) Gift of Build A Bear

Truman the Tiger Build-a-Bear Design Board for TAM Capstone Project of MU Students Felicity Watring, Nathan Smith, Jacqueline Friedman, and Courtney Stoddard (2011)

University of Missouri Wool Hat (1920s) Gift of L. Wilson

Wool Letterman Sweater of MU Football Captain Carl Hoff (1906) Gift of D. Berry

University of Missouri Felted Wool Vest Home-Sewn by Jean Griffin (1960s) Gift of J. Griffin

Collection of University of Missouri pins and memorabilia of former MU student John Dorsey (1921-24) Gift of S. Durrett and M. Krauss

“Tiger Growlers” Spirit Organization Wool Sweater of MU Student William W. Elbring (1932) Gift of D. Castle

Cotton/Polyester Sweatshirt (Detail) with “Show Me A New Mizzou, Black to the Future, LBC 1988 Homecoming” Print (1988) Gift of MU Black Student Association

Cotton/Polyester T-Shirt with Missouri Tigers Print (1970s) Gift of B. Smith

Detail of Cotton/Polyester Denim Shirt Embroidered by MU Alumna Karen Myers (1975) Gift of K. Myers, BS ‘62 Clothing and Textiles

Felted Wool Beret with MU Tiger Paw Prints by Jennifer Ouellette (1998) Gift of J. Ouellette, BS HES ‘94

Cotton/Polyester T-Shirt with “Mizzou is my Home.com” Print Featuring Beetle Bailey Character Created by Former MU Student Mort Walker (1980s) Gift of B. Smith

University of Missouri Felted Wool Freshman Beanie of MU Student William Dudley Smith (1931-32) Gift of D. Rees

Wool Cardigan Sweater (1920s-40s) Gift of M. Applegate, BS ‘82 Home Economics Education

Truman the Tiger Build-a-Bear Wearing University of Missouri Alumni T-Shirt and Mizzou Plaid Shorts Designed by MU Students Kathryn Knight, Molly Rice, Meredith Mueller, and Jillian Jacobitz (2011) Gift of Build A Bear

Polyethylene Tyvek Jacket with University of Missouri Big 8 Basketball Print (1980s) Gift of D. Oerly