Patricia George Illustrations
Patricia “Pat” George (1925-2009) was an award-winning designer and illustrator whose career spanned fifty years. Twenty of those years were spent designing stylish ads and materials for established Kansas City retailer Harzfeld’s. George began her career studying fashion at the Kansas City Art Institute and, after graduating in 1948, began working for Harzfeld’s advertising department. George continued to bridge the worlds of fashion and art by studying under the lead of Frederic James (1915-1985), an American painter who taught at the Kansas City Art Institute and studied under famed Regionalist Thomas Hart Benton. George is featured in the 2009 publication “Harzfeld’s, A Brief History” by Joe and Michele Boeckholt. Patricia George also modeled for her mentor at Harzfeld’s, Randall Miller; one of Miller’s illustrations of George was included in Boeckholts’ publication. The MHCTC collection highlights both completed and process illustrations for a total of 130 pieces of Harzfeld’s Couture Fashion illustrated by Patricia George.
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